Admin login

Error: The server cannot write to the admin directory. This prevents the system from locking after 5 incorrect login attempts.

'; if (file_exists('.lock')){ $LockFileContent=file_get_contents('.lock'); if ($LockFileContent==false) echo '

Error: problem reading .lock file

'; //echo '

lock file has:'.$LockFileContent.':'."

\n"; if ($LockFileContent<5) { $Locked=false; } else{ $Locked=true; echo '

Hacking attempt detected

The username & password has been entered incorrectly more than 5 times. An administrator has to log into the website host and delete the file $LockFile in the "admin" directory before anyone can log in and administer the site.

'; } } else { $Locked=false; } if (!$Locked){ echo '
Username :
Password :
'; } ?>